Spelling at home

I have set this up as a week programme however it does not have to be done this way. 
In the front of the spelling and reading log book there is a list of words to be learnt. The words highlighted in yellow are the words your child knows out of list 1-3. They were only tested on list 1-3. The goal is fro work through that list until they can correctly spell those words. Practice makes perfect!

Write the words five times and find the meaning of each word

e.g.  environment  environment  environment  environment  environment

       environment - t
he surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.


Break up each word into syllables. Children can clap the syllables out.

e.g.  a-com-mo-da-tion


Add a prefix or suffix to each word

e.g. lock = unlock OR dance = dancing


Use the words in a sentence to bring out the meaning. You could try include all words into a story. 

e.g.  We can look after our environment by making sure that we reduce, reuse and recycle.


Choose 5 of your spelling words and write a list of words that rhyme. Is the ending always spelt the same?

e.g  bat 
  environment  environment  environment

       environment - t
he surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.


Break up each word into syllables. Children can clap the syllables out.

e.g.  a-com-mo-da-tion


Add a prefix or suffix to each word

e.g. lock = unlock OR dance = dancing


Use the words in a sentence to bring out the meaning. You could try include all words into a story. 

e.g.  We can look after our environment by making sure that we reduce, reuse and recycle.


Choose 5 of your spelling words and write a list of words that rhyme. Is the ending always spelt the same?

e.g  bat 


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