
Production Star!

Ruby has been a production super star! She displayed all of the Key Competencies throughout the production process - including managing herself beautifully, contributing ideas, and participating to her fullest. Tu meke Ruby! Production is next week, make sure you get your tickets from the office! It is going to be great.

Star of the Week: Gymnastics Week 1

Week 1 (of 4) of gymnastics was so much fun! Gymnastics is challenging and requires determination,  Athenay, you displayed just that! You showed a fabulous 'can-do' attitude and gave everything your best shot. Keep up the good work!

The Key Competencies (The KCs)

At BHPS and in Room 1, we talk about the KCs on the daily. They are a big part of everything that we do at school. However, it doesn't have to stop there. The KCs are not just a tool for school. They are helpful at home and later on in life, too. "We all want to help our children to become capable learners, ready and willing to tackle lots of different things in life. Schools want that, too. Teachers spend a lot of time working to build students' knowledge and life skill in subjects such as Maths and English but they also try to develop children's capabilities". - In the New Zealand Curriculum these capabilities are called the Key Competencies. The 5 KCs are - Managing Self -Thinking - Participating and Contributing -Relating to Others - Using language, symbols and texts Encourage the use of the KCs at home Managing Self Brushing teeth, packing school bag, having breakfast, getting dressed, tidying room, home reading. Thinking Making sensible decisions...

Exploring the Gully


Term 2 Swimming

Here are some photos of Room 1 capping of a great term of swimming lessons with some learning around water safety. They learnt how to heck that the were wearing the correct size life jacket  How to huddle in and out of the water And to swim to safety... with group one taking the lead

Never miss a chance to dance!

Over the last two weeks of Term Two, Rooms One and Six came together to move and groove to some awesome music. After just short two weeks, they had learnt the moves to two songs and were able to Hip Hop and Cha Cha away! They had a blast and grew in confidence over the two weeks, making mistakes along the way but showing their 'can-do' attitudes. Every single one of them were excited to showcase their newly acquired skills in the final performances, even in front of an audience.

Speech Help

We are writing speeches this week around what we can do to better our planet. Topic Examples: - Do not harm our animals - choose an endangered species - recycle - say no to plastic bags - Do not litter - Walk or ride to school CLICK HERE for an example of a good speech - Write about something you find interesting or you are passionate about -Your aim is to persuade and inform, not just one or the other.  - Make sure you hook in the reader at the beginning. Do not start with "hi my name is...". You could start with: A fact, describe the thing - e.g. a plastic bag - and have the audience guessing what it might be (example in link), a rhetorical question, onomatopoeia/sound effect, or an exclamation - e.g. Stop! Think before you drop that rubbish! - You could speak from the perspective of a kiwi (or animal) that is having it's habitat destroyed.  - Aim for 2 minutes