
Showing posts from March, 2017

Writing to Another School!

Over the past couple of weeks we have been chipping away at some great writing in different shapes and forms. Room 1 have worked hard creating metaphors on postcards, finding facts, and sharing information to then share with Room 6, Stoke School all the way in Nelson.  Did you know that "Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapiki maunga horonukupokaiwhen uakitanatahu" is the longest word in Maori? And "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsili covolcanoconiosis" is pretty impressive. We learnt that all together in Room 1 we have 99 siblings. We have some elbow lickers and ear wrigglers, too.  Here is what we sent to the lovely Room 6 of Stoke School... If you haven't already, pop into the class and have a look at our amazing metaphors displayed on our writing wall!  Your child received a notice on Friday. If you take it into any Warehouse Stationary this will allow them to send a free postcard to anywhere in the world! Get writing :)

Hockey Player of the Day - Week 8

We have been learning great new skills during our hockey sessions this term. Through many fun hockey games we have learnt how to hold a hockey stick and how to control the ball using different dribbling techniques. Each session we will have a player of the day. Our player of the day is someone who is displaying the Key Competencies and our School Value, making our class and our school proud. Asher is the player of the day for Week 8. He displayed a strong ability manage himself, show respect to the coach and put in 100% effort at all times. Well done Asher and great 'penguin position'! Keep an eye out to see who it is next week :)

Global Play Day!

Throwback to Global Play Day where we had an epic Friday fun day on the first week of school! As part of Global Play Day Room One was able to play, explore, create and use their imagination. We went on the water slide... Got crafty with playdough, pipe cleaners, and popsicle sticks...                                 Played some games and music and even made some of our own...